The Habitation of the Blessed by Catherynne M. Valente is the first volume in A Dirge for Prester John. The books in this trilogy will be coming out about a year apart with the second volume, The Folded World, available in November 2011 and the third volume, The Spindle of Necessity, available in November 2012. This trilogy is based on the legends about Prester John, a priest rumored to rule over a paradise in India containing wonders such as a […]

For the second week in a row, there are no new books for the Sunday post so I’m hoping to get a review up instead. In the meantime, here are some various bits of news or other interesting links I’ve seen lately. Every year from December to early January, The Book Smugglers hold their annual Smugglivus celebration. This includes guest posts from bloggers and authors in addition to their own end of the year discussions on favorite books. It started […]

It’s my first leaning pile of books post on the new site! I’ve also finished a draft of a review of The Spirit Thief by Rachel Aaron so I’m hoping to have my first book review at the new site up on Tuesday. Today I’m hoping to get most of the way through a review of Elfland by Freda Warrington as well. Before getting to the books, I just wanted to mention a couple of bargains I just noticed at […]