There were no review copies this week, but I had to of course get a book for National Buy a Book day. How could I not after last year when I bought my favorite book of the year on that day (Elfland by Freda Warrington)? Aftermath by Ann Aguirre This is the fifth book in the Sirantha Jax series, and I really enjoy these books so I had to get the latest one since it just came out! These are […]
Wherein I discuss books added to the leaning pile over the last week just in case some of them look interesting you too! This was a big week – I raided the hardcovers and trade paperbacks at my local Borders and came out with 6 books for the price of 2 hardcovers at regular Borders prices. Not bad, especially managing to limit myself as much as I did. I thought I was going a bit crazy, but there were about […]
After a couple of weeks without books (!), this week brought 1 ARC, 1 finished review copy, and 3 I bought myself with a gift card. Both the review copies are books I’ve already talked about since I picked up copies of each at this year’s Book Expo America. So if you are interested in reading more about Blood Rights (House of Comarre #1) by Kristen Painter or Theft of Swords (Riyria Revelations #1) by Michael J. Sullivan, there’s more […]
This week brought two review copies, one of which I’ve already talked about in my BEA post so I won’t talk about it in detail again (The Magician King by Lev Grossman, which apparently changed significantly between the ARC and finished copy so I’m going to read the final copy instead of my ARC). Also, I raided my local Borders sale and ended up with 4 books I’ve been wanting to read. If I had no self control, I could […]
This week there were three books added to the pile – one bought from the Borders closing sale (wah!), one review copy, and one belated gift that took a while to get here. In other news, there will be a giveaway this week and I’m hoping to finish a review I’m working on today, especially since I now have 4 books to review, but I seem to have a case of review writer’s block this week for some reason. Heroes […]
First, a quick update since it’s been quiet around here lately: Yesterday I finally finished the 1,000 page hardcover behemoth A Dance With Dragons! That means hopefully I’ll be getting back to writing more here now that I won’t be spending almost every spare moment reading it very slowly and trying to catch as many of the details as possible. This week brought one review copy. Low Town by Daniel Polansky This debut novel is also being released under the […]