The Sea Thy Mistress, released in hardcover and as an e-book the beginning of this month, is the conclusion to Elizabeth Bear’s Edda of Burdens trilogy. It is a direct sequel to All the Windwracked Stars, the first book in this series. By the Mountain Bound, the second book, is actually a prequel that covers events leading up to the beginning of the first published installment. In spite of the fact that The Sea Thy Mistress is the second part […]

This week brought two books – one I bought for the Women of Science Fiction Book Club (and will be reading very soon since it’s for this month) and a finished copy of a book I already read as an ARC. Since I already posted about the ARC when I got it and will be posting the review very soon (probably tomorrow), I won’t include the description here. The finished copy I received is The Sea Thy Mistress, the third […] has an excerpt from The Sea Thy Mistress, the conclusion to Elizabeth Bear’s Edda of Burdens trilogy. I’m reading this right now and I am enjoying it immensely so far. The books in this trilogy are so beautifully written and I love all the Norse mythology. Sadly, Sarah Monette’s cat recently passed away. On February 2, she is holding a memorial fundraiser and the proceeds are going to the University of Wisconsin-Madison Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital’s Animal Companion Fund. […]

November is turning out to be a crazy month, but I’m hoping to get a review of Resenting the Hero by Moira J. Moore started today and up sometime this week. I just needed to read something fun last weekend and ended up picking that based on what I had heard – and it was just what I was in the mood for. This week brought three review copies and one ARC, plus my husband bought an e-book a couple […]