Today I am thrilled to have an interview with Courtney Schafer, author of The Whitefire Crossing and The Tainted City, to share with you! She also has a signed set of these first two books in The Shattered Sigil series to give away. I recently read The Tainted City and absolutely loved it (my review). It contained exactly the types of things I like to see in a secondary world fantasy – great world-building, excellent characterization, an exciting story, magic […]

The Whitefire Crossing, the first book in the Shattered Sigil series, is Courtney Schafer’s debut novel. The second book, The Tainted City, is due for release in October 2012. As a smuggler who carries magical items into Alathia, a country where they are illegal, Dev is used to accepting jobs that could get him into big trouble if he were found out. When he is offered a job involving smuggling a young man named Kiran across the border into this […]

This week brought 2 review copies, although I’ve already covered one of them since this is a finished copy of a book I have received as an ARC. If you are interesting in learning more about Theft of Swords by Michael J. Sullivan, I’ll direct you to this post on books snagged at this year’s BEA. I started it this week and should be reviewing it pretty soon, though! I’m 100 pages in now and am having a lot of […]

When browsing through sites I read today, I saw quite a few interesting book-related news and links. Carol Berg mentioned that a new trade paperback edition of her novel Song of the Beast will be coming out on October 21. I read this several years ago (after discovering Carol Berg’s wonderful Rai-kirah trilogy) and rather enjoyed it. According to this post, there will also be a Song of the Beast novella, but there will be more on that later! Seanan […]