The Hienama by Storm Constantine is the first book in a series of novellas set in the Wraeththu universe. Other books set in this world include the original Wraeththu trilogy beginning with The Enchantments of Flesh and Spirit, the Wraeththu Histories trilogy, and some short story collections by various authors (Para Kindred, the most recent of these, was released just a few months ago). For those unfamiliar with the Wraeththu universe, it is set in a future in which humanity […]

Today’s guest is bestselling fantasy author and Aurealis Award winner Trudi Canavan! Her books include The Black Magician Trilogy, Age of the Five Trilogy, The Traitor Spy trilogy, and her upcoming novel Thief’s Magic, to be released in May (which I’m really interested in reading after taking a look at the beginning of it!). I’m thrilled she is here today to discuss Australian women writing fantasy—and to have one copy of Thief’s Magic to give away! Doing What Comes Naturally: […]

Thanks to the guests from last week, it was another great week of Women in SF&F! The next week of guest posts begins tomorrow, but before announcing the schedule, here are a few reminders and links to last week’s posts. Giveaways and The Giant List of SFF Books by Women The Paradox trilogy giveaway has ended and there’s an official winner. Congratulations to Michele F.! There’s now a new giveaway for 5 advance copies of Gemsigns by Stephanie Saulter (residents […]

Hope everyone had a good weekend! I just got back after spending my weekend away and was quite happy to see that this year’s Hugo nominees have been announced. Also, I’ve read 2 of the 5 books and enjoyed them both (Feed by Mira Grant and The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms by N. K. Jemisin). And I was also thrilled to see Lois McMaster Bujold was nominated, although I’m not quite caught up enough in the series to have read Cryoburn […]

I need to go start cleaning and packing up for moving tomorrow, but first I decided to write this up for Sunday while getting caffeinated so I have energy to do all that (especially since I won’t be able to put it up Sunday night due to lack of Internet). Next weekend I’m hoping to be able to make more progress on reviews because I’m afraid it’s not going to be possible this weekend. This week brought three review copies. […]