Instead of writing one huge post of all the books I’m looking forward to in 2012 with info on them, I had decided to highlight some of these books in their own posts throughout the rest of 2011. I’ve decided to carry this feature forward into this year as I discover new books coming out this year that sound interesting and continue with books of 2013 as it gets closer to the end of the year. Glamour in Glass is […]

Yesterday Elizabeth Bear announced that Promethean Age novel #5 will be published. One-Eyed Jack and the Suicide King will most likely be released next year! Although it is book 5 in publication order, it is a stand alone novel with part of it taking place long before Blood and Iron and Whiskey and Water and part of it taking place between these two books. After the first four Promethean Age novels came out, there was a long period of time […]

Last year I discovered the Kate Daniels series by Ilona Andrews and devoured them all. I loved the third book so much that I was very glad I’d taken the advice of waiting until the fourth book was out to read it. Because once I finished it, I had to have the next book right then and no other book would do! Now I’ve been longing for the fifth book. Fortunately for all of us Kate Daniels fans, Ilona Andrews […]

There are quite a few new or soon-to-be new books coming up that I am very excited about. So I’m going to go all fan-girly for a moment (ok, a few moments). Both Nation by Terry Pratchett and The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman were just released a few days ago (September 30 in the US). Two YA books by the co-authors of Good Omens coming out on the same day… seems a bit coincidental. I look forward to reading […]