There’s no leaning pile post today since I bought no books this past week, and the only review copy I received was a second copy that I’m now giving away. Over the next week I will hopefully have at least two reviews since I have one draft and another halfway written (for Badass: The Birth of a Legend by Ben Thompson and The Hero Strikes Back by Moira J. Moore, both very fun books). I’m reading Deathless by Catherynne M. […]

Since I was forgetful on Sunday and forgot to mention it, I was just wanted to write a quick update to say it’s probably going to be a bit quiet here until sometime after Christmas. Unfortunately, I’ve been sick for about 2 weeks (I think it’s finally coming to an end!) and I’ve been unusually busy due to the holidays so I haven’t had time to write much. And when I have been writing I’ve been working on a certain […]

I hope everyone who celebrated it had a great Thanksgiving and the rest of you had a great week! With the holiday I was hoping to get all kinds of blogging done but I have to admit I was lazy and did some reading but not a lot of reviewing. I did finish The Habitation of the Blessed by Catherynne Valente and The King of Attolia by Megan Whalen Turner so I’m hoping there will be reviews of those two […]

There were no books to add to the leaning pile this week, but I just wanted to give a quick update on what is coming up. Tomorrow Tia Nevitt will be here as part of her blog tour for the release of The Sevenfold Spell. She will also be giving away a copy of her book. I’ve read it and it’s a very enjoyable romantic fairy tale based on the story of Sleeping Beauty. For reviews, I’m working on one […]

Unfortunately, it’s been pretty quiet here lately since my main writing time has been absorbed by new home ownership activities (starting to move, buying new stuff for the home and in a few minutes the more major moving back – finally!). Usually I write most of my reviews on the weekend, but I haven’t had a lot of spare time during the weekends lately. I’ve been finding this week that trying to write in the evenings after my brain is […]

In an attempt to try to clear a few books off the pile that have been sitting there for too long, I’ve come up with a November reading plan. Right now I am reading By the Mountain Bound by Elizabeth Bear, which I absolutely love for its mythology, subtlety and troubled characters. For reviews, I am working on The Bone Key, a collection of ghost stories by Sarah Monette. I just read a book I need to read for work […]