I finished Blood and Iron, the first book in Elizabeth Bear’s “Promethean Age” series so I should have a review of that up in the next couple of days. You could say I liked it since I want the next book now. It is out, but I’m going to be patient (ha!) and wait until the third book is out on July 1 and just order them both since I can’t find the next book at any of my local […]

I was hoping to get a review up tonight, but I seem to be having a case of writer’s block tonight. Well, not exactly “block” since I know what I want to say – I’m just having difficulty articulating it at the moment. That review will be of the classic novel Dune by Frank Herbert, which I finished this weekend and rather enjoyed. Currently, I am reading Brandon Sanderson’s Elantris, the winner of the last poll on what to read […]

Doing polls for what to read next are fun every once in a while so I added a new one to the right. Since it’s a little clunky to include more than just the title in it, I’ll add the full list including author and series (if any) below: Young Miles (omnibus – #3 and #4 Miles Vorkosigan) by Lois McMaster BujoldBlood and Iron (#1 Promethean) by Elizabeth BearThe Left Hand of Darkness by Ursula LeGuinCalenture by Storm ConstantinePushing Ice […]

I just finished The Player of Games today, so I’ll be closing down the what to read next poll in a minute. The winner is Stephen Lawhead’s Hood so that will be the next book I read. This weekend I should have a review of the first Dreams of Inan book, A Kind of Peace, up. Sometime after that, I’ll be reviewing The Player of Games by Iain M. Banks, which I loved. It was the first book I’ve read […]

March is over and I could not be happier! It was a very hectic month; I think the only weekend I didn’t have to do work was Easter weekend and of course I was busy with the holiday then. Hopefully, now I can get back into reading and reviewing more. Even without having a lot of time to read, I have 4 books to review (Primary Inversion, The Sparrow, Melusine, and The Virtu). Now I have just started the final […]

I haven’t put up a review in two weeks even though I have two to do. I feel like a horrible reviewer. Unfortunately, I have a big project at work due the end of next week and I knew there was no way I’d finish it on time with all my other projects if I didn’t work extra, so a lot of my spare time has been going into that and I haven’t had time to actually write a review […]