I closed the poll a day early since I’m done with Neverwhere so it’s time to start reading the next book, which will be William Gibson’s Neuromancer. I’m curious about this one since it’s become a cyberpunk classic, but from what I’ve heard, I get the impression that it’s more of an “important” book than a “good” book. I’ll probably do another poll at some point, but I just got the new Carol Berg book Breath and Bone yesterday so […]

I finished Mistborn: The Final Empire this afternoon, so I should have a review of it up in the next couple of days. Because of this, I closed the poll and put up a few one. The winner of the previous one was Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman, so that will be up next. If The Healthy Dead were to win, I would also reread and review the first Malazan novella by Steven Erikson, Blood Follows.

Yikes! I didn’t realize it had been so long since I had posted here until a couple of hours ago. With the holiday and starting a new job, the time has just flown by. I still have reviews on the rest of the books in the Pit Dragon trilogy to write. Unfortunately, it takes me nearly as long to write the review as it does to read a book of that size since I read it over and over and […]

I’m sorry to say I have no new reviews right now. I’m still reading the third book in the His Dark Materials trilogy, The Amber Spyglass. After that, I plan to read Making Money, the newest Discworld book by Terry Pratchett, followed by Lords of Rainbow by Vera Nezarian. I might be a bit slow with reading for the near future, though, since I am currently spending a lot of my time in the evenings looking for work. This past […]

I was hoping to get at least one review up today since it was finally Saturday, but I ended up getting distracted with making the blog a little more interesting… And before I knew it, the day was gone and I hadn’t done much other than some household chores and working on the blog. Oh well, it will be nicer in the long run and I’m excited to see it looking better! I did a few things I’ve been wanting […]

I am on vacation in Montreal this week so I probably won’t be writing much, although I had some time to read while driving down. And I’ve had some time to read today since I’m not really sure what to do with myself since my fiance is at his conference (the reason we’re down here). Tomorrow we’ll be able to do more, at least. Of course, I had to find the nearest bookstore and I found one, Bertrand’s Bookstore, right […]