Today I’m excited to have a guest post from Moira J. Moore, author of the Heroes series! I have been having a great time reading the books in this series starting with Resenting the Hero. They are character-driven fantasy books centering on Lee, a young woman who has been trained to become a Shield, and Taro, the Source she has to work with (and isn’t at all happy to be paired with!). As a Shield, Lee protects Taro’s mind while […]

Today’s guest is Stina Leicht, one of this year’s finalists for the John W. Campbell Award for Best New Writer! Her first novel, Of Blood and Honey, was released last year. And Blue Skies from Pain, the second book of the Fey and the Fallen, just became available last month. Although I plan to, I have to confess I haven’t yet read either of these books. I really wanted to invite some authors I hadn’t already talked about here this […]

Today’s guest is Janice from Janicu’s Book Blog, one of my must-read sites! Janice mostly reads and reviews speculative fiction with a romantic element (although she also reads SFF without romance and romance without SFF). In a rare turn of events, I actually met Janice in person before I was familiar with her blog when we both attended the first Book Blogger Convention. She was reading The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms by N. K. Jemisin (a book I loved) and I […]

Today I’m excited to have a post about the Raksura race, their society, and their gender roles from Martha Wells! I discovered The Cloud Roads, the first novel in the Books of the Raksura, last year due to an excellent review by The Book Smugglers. The Cloud Roads ended up being one of my favorite books I read last year for its sympathetic main character, creative worldbuilding, and absorbing storyline. I absolutely loved it, and I’m definitely planning to check […]

The second week of Women in SF&F Month posts will be starting tomorrow. In case you have missed the previous posts, this month is dedicated to highlighting women who are writing and reading/reviewing science fiction and fantasy after some recent discussion about review coverage for women and female bloggers. A wrap-up of week one and a book giveaway are here if you missed it. Guests for the second week are: Janice from Janicu’s Book Blog (also on Livejournal) Jessica from […]

It’s been a fantastic first week for Women in SF&F Month! Today I just want to round up some related links (including a new one on books reviewed/received by gender) and give away a book. Week In Review This week brought some wonderful posts from various guests. Here’s what happened this week in case you missed any posts: Jessica from Read React Review started off the week by talking about women in fiction with particular focus on the question of […]