Today I’m thrilled to have a wonderful message on how we can support women writing science fiction from the fantastic Elizabeth Bear! She is extremely prolific and has written a lot of books that fall under various categories of both science fiction and fantasy. I’ve enjoyed every single one I’ve read, and her Edda of Burdens trilogy is among my favorite series for its beautiful writing and handling of myths. Since I love Elizabeth Bear’s books so much that I […]

Today’s guest is Kristin, who runs the wonderful blog My Bookish Ways! Kristin has an extraordinary amount of reviews, interviews, and giveaways of all kinds of different books, and I simultaneously envy and admire her sheer volume and quality of content (especially her awesome interview with Seanan McGuire). She covers books from a wide variety of genres, including urban fantasy, horror, science fiction, fantasy, suspense, and historical fiction. Right now she has a giveaway for a copy of the new […]

Today I’m pleased to have a guest post from one of my very favorite fantasy authors, Carol Berg! Her Rai-kirah trilogy is among my favorite fantasy series, and I am a huge fan of her other books I’ve read as well (Song of the Beast and the Lighthouse Duet). The Daemon Prism, her most recent book and the final Novel of the Collegia Magia, was just released earlier this year. While I love her stories and worlds, I think she […]

After yesterday’s great post by Jessica to launch Women in SF&F Month, today we get to hear from the first SF&F author up, Nancy Kress! And, following a great deal of begging and groveling, I also have a guest to introduce her: my husband John, who will now take it away… I cannot explain how wonderful Nancy Kress’s writing is to someone who hasn’t read it; suffice it to say that I have been an avid reader of science fiction […]

Today I’m pleased to have a guest post from Jessica of Read React Review! Although she doesn’t talk much about science fiction and fantasy on her blog, I have known her for many years and very much respect what she has to say on any number of issues, including ideas involving women and gender in fiction. As such, she was one of the first people I thought to invite this month and now she is kicking things off with the […]

It’s officially April, which means Women in SF&F Month is here with guest posts beginning tomorrow. There probably won’t be one every single day this month, but it should be close to every day and I’m hoping to fill in some of the gaps with reviews of some fantasy and science fiction books written by women. In case you missed my previous post about it linked to above, this month is dedicated to highlighting the women who are writing and […]