It’s now April, and the eleventh annual Women in SF&F Month starts tomorrow! For the last decade, this month has been dedicated to highlighting some of the many women doing wonderful work in speculative fiction on this blog, and this site will be featuring guest posts by some of these writers on weekdays throughout April. As usual, they will be discussing a variety of subjects—the ideas behind their worlds and stories, the tropes and dynamics they explore, the works and […]

Thank you so much to all of this year’s guests for the amazing essays and another fantastic Women in SF&F Month! And thank you so much to everyone who shared guest posts and news of this year’s series—I really appreciate it! This year’s series may be over, but I wanted to make sure there was a convenient way to find all of this year’s guest posts in case you missed any of them or are finding this later. This April […]

Today’s Women in SF&F Month guest is Nicole Kornher-Stace! Her short fiction has appeared in Clarkesworld, Uncanny, and Best American Fantasy, among other publications, and her speculative poetry has been on the Rhysling Award ballot a couple of times with “The Changeling Always Wins” placing second in the Short Form category. Archivist Wasp, her debut novel, was a Norton Award finalist, and both this and its sequel, Latchkey, were on the Locus Recommended Reading List for Fantasy for their respective […]

Thank you to all of last week’s guests for another wonderful week of essays! Here are their guest posts in case you missed any of them: “Building an Empire” — Ciannon Smart (Witches Steeped in Gold) shared how she came to create the Jamaican-inspired secondary world of her YA fantasy debut novel. “Fantasy as Lucid Dream” — Ashaye Brown (Dream Country) explored the relationship between fantasy and dreams in an ode to imagination and creativity—and discussed why the genre does […]

Thank you so much to all of last week’s guests! Here are their guest posts in case you missed any of them: “Four Godmothers” — E. Lily Yu (On Fragile Waves, “The Cartographer Wasps and the Anarchist Bees“) celebrated women in fantasy by discussing four authors whose work taught her about writing, giving her gifts like the wrong (but actually right) dreams and showing her the sorcery of language. “Creativity in Crisis” — H. M. Long (Hall of Smoke, Temple […]

Today’s guest is Diane Duane! She was a finalist for the Astounding Award for Best New Writer in 1980 and 1981 after the publication of her first novel, The Door Into Fire. Since then, she has written more stories and novels, including those set in her Middle Kingdoms and Young Wizards universes as well as in established universes like X-Men, Spider-Man, and Star Trek; comics and graphic novels; and scripts, including work on the TV shows Star Trek: The Next […]